Services Laser Laser is a treatment that uses low-level lasers to accelerate tissue repair and provide pain relief. It is beneficial for many conditions, including arthritis, bursitis, and chronic joint problems. EMS Electrical Muscle Stimulation induces muscle contraction and is beneficial to increase circulation, improve muscle strength, increase muscle tone, and increase range of motion. Ultrasound Ultrasound is a deep heating unit that can break up scar tissue, expedite the healing process, increase blood supply to the area, and relax muscle spasms. Therapeutic Exercise Exercising with the balance ball/discs, ladder, cavaletties, and cones improve a dog's balance and proprioception, which is the sense of knowing where a body part is in space. These exercises can improve reaction time, increase strength, flexibility, and coordination. Underwater Treadmill The Aqua Paws Hydrotherapy unit uses the fundamentals of water to provide low impact exercise that builds muscle mass and develops muscle tone. It also can augment balance and enhance blood flow and sensory awareness of impaired joints and limbs. Caring for your pup and doing what we love. VideosHere are a couple of examples of our Therapeutic Exercises in action.